Amimoni was founded in 1993 as a Nonprofit Organization with philanthropic status. It was founded by multiply disabled visually impaired children’s parents in order to meet the needs of children who were excluded from education and rehabilitation. Today it runs 4 programs:
Early Child Intervention
It is a home-based program which includes:
- Educational activities with the child
- Parent counseling
It also provides distance education and counseling to families who live outside Attica.
Day Center “IRIS”
- structured daily program
- individualized educational program
- Individual & group activities
It covers the needs of trainees aged 5 and above, with therapeutic interventions such as speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, music therapy, physical and motor activities.
Guesthouse “Polichni”
It is an educational Program promoting semi-independent living. It takes place from Friday to Monday, hosting 3-5 trainees, offering skills for independent life.
“Lilian Voudouri” Assisted Living Residence
The first – and still the only one - life-long residence in Greece for multiply disabled visually impaired people. The main goals are:
- Institutionalization avoidance
- Excellent Care
- Enriched quality of life
Amimoni’s ultimate aim is to maximize each individual’s independence in daily living activities and improve their social integration.
The University of Thessaly (UTH) was founded in 1984 and has elected the first Rectorate Board in 1998. Its administrative and academic centre is in the city of Volos. Its present academic structure consists of 35 Departments, 5 Faculties, most of them were founded by the end of 2000-01. Today UTH has 9,647 undergraduate students, 1,471 postgraduate students and 1,148 PhD students. It also has 560 members of teaching and research staff, 98 members of teaching staff with a temporary teaching contract, 308 members of administrative staff and 57 members of Special Technical Laboratory Staff. It is a university with its own identity and with a prominent position in the Greek national educational system, known for its quality in teaching, research, human resources, spirit of cooperation and a dynamic presence in the society. It has an inclusive policy for students with disabilities. An accessibility centre "Prosvasi" (in english Accessibility) aims to support the students with disabilities and their teachers in order to enhance their physical, academic, and social access and inclusion in the university as well as afterwards.

The University of Zagreb is the flagship educational institution in Croatia with 31 faculties, 3 art academies and various university centres and departments. UNIZG offers education programmes in all scientific fields and a broad spectrum of courses at all study levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate for more than 62,000 students. The University excels not only in teaching, but also in research, contributing with over 50 percent to the annual research output of Croatia. Being one of the constituent units of UNIZG, the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences is participating within the project proposal as partner organisation. Faculty’s core activities are scientific and educational, scientific-research and professional training, organization and implementation of the lifelong learning programme; professional counselling; development of professional programmes,implementation of the programme of prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation or treatment of the persons experiencing social integration difficulties and language-speech communication difficulties. Students are trained to work in the prevention, identification, diagnostics, education and rehabilitation and in the educational and clinical practice, in institutions of social welfare, education and training, health, justice, police and non-governmental organizations, and in the social environment in accordance with the social model and inclusion policies.

Babes- Bolyai University is a public institution of higher education, a multicultural and complex university, being situated among the top positions in the national rankings. The scientific research activity performed in the BBU research units covers three fundamental components: basic and applied research; development (generating innovative prototype products and services); innovation (implementation in the socio-economic environment of innovative services and products). The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences assures higher education programs, postgraduate programs, distance learning programs and in- service training programs in Psychology, Educational Sciences and Special Education for students, specialists and teachers of different subjects. The Special Education Department represents a specialization with tradition, an interdisciplinary field that prepares specialists in special and inclusive education, in the education, habilitation and rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

EASPD, a non-profit NGO in the disability sector, promotes the views of over 20,000 social services and their umbrella associations. We promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.
Our Vision
We believe that support services play a key role in enabling people to enjoy their human rights on an equal basis, beyond disability or any other factor. It is precisely this belief that guides our work in Brussels, Strasbourg and throughout Europe.
Our Objectives
- The full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
- The provision of high-quality, and user-centred services running in an accountable, efficient and effective way.
- Fair working conditions and lifelong learning opportunities for staff employed in services.

Mali dom-Zagreb is a local public institution in Croatia founded by the City of Zagreb which provides specialized and comprehensive services to children and youth who are visually impaired with additional disabilities, children who are deafblind and children with other complex disabilities.
Mali dom provides education and habilitation services through daily program for preschool and school age children. It provides Early Intervention services for children age 0-3 through home visiting program, family support and center-based activities, It provides counselling and transdisciplinary assessment for children and youth with complex disabilities and for young children and babies within first month and years of age who are at risk. Within Mali dom there is also an Educational center providing trainings for professionals in specific topics from the field of education and rehabilitation of children with multiple disabilities, and visual impairment and deafblind children.

CECD MIRA SINTRA is a Cooperative for Social Solidarity, a nonprofit organization and was recognized by the Government as an organization of Public Utility. It was founded in 1976 by parents and professionals and since the beginning; the knowledge and experience of all are present in the management of our Cooperative. At the present, it provides services for more than 2.000 people, since children, youth and adults who need specialized support, due problems in their development and/or deficits in academic, work or social performance. The Organization has several Services, in different spaces in the community, with specific programs and multidisciplinary teams, adapted to the needs and characteristics of the population addressed. Early Child Intervention Service and Resources Center for Inclusion (RCI) are aimed, respectively, for children from 0 to 3 years old and their families, and students from 3 to 18 years of age, having developmental disabilities that fall under biological, established and/or environmental risk. Intervention is developed in each child's natural contexts (home, nursery) and in public schools. CECD’s professionals from the ECI team are integrated into the local team of our Early Child Intervention National System, while RCI professional’s provide support on the basis of established action plans with mainstream schools. Throughout the year 120 children and 800 students, as well as their families, are supported in our community.

Karin Dom is a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by hereditary diplomat and philanthropist Ivan Stancioff. It has a leading role in providing professional services for children with special needs and their families, which employs highly qualified specialists: physiotherapists, rehabilitators, speech therapists, psychologists, special teachers, social workers.
The main activities are realized by: Center for providing services for children with special needs and their families (for children aged 3-8), Center for ECI (for children aged 0-3) and by a Resource and training center (qualified training for organizations and professionals). Karin Dom annually supports over 300 children and families and trains over 1200 specialists.
Mission: Karin Dom works for the fulfilling life and growth of children with special needs in their families, for their successful inclusion and to increase the tolerance in the society.

Founded in 1985, Omega Technology is an experienced and well known IT provider company in Greece. The Company serves Greek public bodies, enterprises and other organizations with technology and services made possible by its 34 years of experience. Its solutions include e-learning, virtual reality applications, assisted living solutions, tailor-made applications for people with disabilities, as well as e-commerce applications, document and knowledge management systems. The company is also offering a broad range of management and services including consulting, research and development, digitization, annotation and preservation of content, hardware supply and technical support. The company’s research department is active in the R&D arena, in close cooperation with Academia and Research Institutes, running several R&D projects and market validation projects.

Cyprus Certification Company (CCC) is a government-owned Certification Organization founded in 2001 and operating as a private company with the Government being its only shareholder and it is managed by a 7-member Board. CCC operates in the field of certification of management systems(eg ISO 9001. ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000 ets), certification of training programs and training and exam centers, inspection of playgrounds and playground equipment, inspection of lifts, product certification, CE marking, certification of persons etc. CCC also operates a training center approved by the relevant government body (the Human Resource Development Authority - HRDA) and provides training in relevant to its services subjects, and also in specialized areas as those arise from the industry’s needs. CCC implements a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of CYS EN ISO/ IEC 17021, CYS EN ISO/ IEC 17020 and CYS EN 17065. This is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System S.A (ESYD) and notified by the Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality (CYSAB). CCC is a member of the International Quality Network (IQNet), and all certified by CCC companies also obtain an IQNet Certificate

Down Syndrome Albania Foundation-DSA-is a non for profit organization established in September 2013 by the parents of a child with Down syndrome. For the founders the situation was clear: there was no advocacy voice in the country for the rights and needs of people with disabilities, and a big lack of qualitative and affordable services. DSA opened its service center’s doors, in June 2014, thanks to its efforts to fundraise through events. For nearly 4 years, DSA provided its therapeutic services and parents’ support services free of charge. Since 2014, DSA delivers services such as early intervention, specialized services (physical therapy, ABA therapy, development and occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and group therapy for children with disabilities up to 12 years old) and project based also services for adults up to 25 years. DSA also supports parents through individual counseling and group sessions and provides different types of trainings on child development, advocacy and rights’ issues. DSA works also in the field of inclusive education, focusing more on teacher training on inclusive education and outlining specific guidebooks for teachers, know-how-based. As part of its scope of work, DSA is also raising awareness and information on Down syndrome and other disabilities among communities of professionals, parents, and other stakeholders such as media and public opinion. DSA has created different awareness and advocacy campaigns and it has produced various guidelines. DSA has a broad experience in advocating and lobbying for disability rights. Through the years, DSA has been part of round tables as an interested group on consulting different reforms and laws. DSA has been part of various coalitions to require and recommend changes to protect disability rights and it has also been part of the first alternative shadow report on the implementation of UNCRPD in Albania. The report was prepared for the Committee on the rights of the person with disability, which is a body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the Convention by the States Parties.